Do you
your organisation?

What are its beliefs?
About life, itself, people?
What does it want?
What does it want to avoid?
How does it feel?
Recognised or ignored?
How does it get what it wants?
What are its moves?
If you don’t know the answers to these questions, your group spirit will be
operating in the background and usually in lower mode
A Being in its own right
Whenever a group of people gather
a Group Spirit also emerges.
The brilliant CEO is the one who intuitively
lifts an organisation out of the gutter and
sets it on a successful trajectory.
How do they do it?
Helen Russ Ph.D has developed a
language and a technology to
work with the spirit of organisations.
It is described as the Lexion.
We use some conventional techniques such as in-depth interviews and workshops, but we also use meditation techniques to map the spirit of your organisation and organisational constellations to show it to you.
This work is completely new. It will change the way you relate to organisations forever. It takes courage and heart as it challenges how we look at organisations and our relationship with them. It will reveal things about your organisation that may have been hidden. It will also bring a language and a technology that enables organisational members to actively and collaboratively participate in the process of retaining organisational integrity in an ongoing manner.
01 Awakening
An active and conscious relationship between the spirit of the group and the members brings awakening to activities.
02 Vision
When ‘seen’ all life forms have the tendency to return to their true nature. Organisations are no different.
03 Sourcing consciousness
Sourcing enables people to find the core of a situation or problem and bring awareness to the issue. Once seen the issues tend to resolve themselves.
04 Language
Naming the components within the non-physical structure allows organisational members to share experiences and critique activities within a context of overall integrity.
Once an organisation’s Lexion is recognised and aligned with the Lex, there is a resulting flow and rightness at the elexion and physical levels. GM – IR
This knowledge helps me understand why good people with the best intentions are not enough for organisations to be good as well. EB-SVN
We were able to feel …. where they have been falling from this purpose. … it is easy to see how with Helen’s technique an organization can be re-aligned. EKW – USA
If you want a job, or to get a job done; talk to the spirit of the group.
The Process
01 Walking the Land
A walk around the land where the primary work is carried out, introduces staff to the subtle energy of the place where you are. You will be surprised what you already know intuitively.
02 In-depth Interviews
A series of in-depth interviews with staff, clients or customers. The intellectual capital, solutions, ideas and awareness of the threats to the organisation are held within the collective psyche of members. Listening unlocks tremendous power and awakens possibilities.
03 Mapping the spirit of the group (lexion)
Two or more trained practitioners use meditative practice to align their inner vision with the spirit of the organisation. This process reveals the flavour, functionality and character of the non-physical organisation. It reveals the metaphysical scaffolding, the particular energetic moves the organisation makes to get what it wants, its beliefs, psychological wounding and its desires. It also reveals blockages or stagnancy, things that are hidden. If the organisation is the art work, this process is akin to speaking with the artist. More
04 Organisational constellations
Family constellations is a process developed by Bert Hellinger in 1978 that has been adapted for organisations. It is a workshop event, where the art of place, order and relationships are used to reveal the spirit of the organisation to staff as a spatial image. This is an experiential process conducted in a workshop style where staff will experience the spirit of the group as a living entity.
05 Reflecting the material
The final phase is where staff are introduced to the technology of lexion within the context of your organisation. The results of the mapping, the in-depth interviews and the constellations are shared and explored to ensure that staff members have experienced the spirit of the organsiation in a way that allows for the development of an ongoing relationship.
Finding the inherent goodness
in your group
01 Initial picture
Practitioners map the organisational spirit and interview a few staff members to give an initial picture to management. You’ll have a sense of the nature and mood of your group spirit. Blockages, dysfunction and lack of purpose or direction will be revealed. Guide $ 5200
02 Full analysis
Multiple mappings of the organisational spirit are combined with multiple staff interviews to develop a complete picture of your organisational spirit. This is an in-depth analysis. Costs depend on the size of the organisation.
03 Workshop (with phase 1 or 2)
Organisational constellations are used to reveal the spirit of your organisation to those present. Results of the mapping and interviews are shared with staff along with the model and language of lexion. 1 day workshop. Guide $5700
04 Staff training
A group of staff are taken through an 8 week training program to enable them to recognise and consciously work with the spirit of your organisation in an ongoing manner. Guide $ 800/person
Once an organisation’s Lexion is recognised and aligned with the Lex, there is a resulting flow and rightness at the elexion and physical levels. Dr. Helen Russ has brought an essential slice of knowledge to working with and for organisations; knowledge that, when applied, results in a smooth and timely completion of projects.
Helen took the time to explain and illustrate the concepts, i really appreciated it as I dont have a lot experience in meditation. It enriched my spiritual learning not only on working/ tuning in with organizations but in my every day search. It stretched my spiritual life and it was a lot of work at times, but then she would remind us to feel it and not to structure it. I loved it and I love you Helen, thank you for your time and your passion for teaching.
I have always been a bit reluctant to the spiritual teaching – the only thing you could change is you and your point of view. Changing me and my point of view brought me a lot of insights with beneficial consequences, and there are still many more to be found. The longing to do something more remained. Dr. Helen Russ’ Lexion training is just what I have been looking for all along. She brought down the knowledge which helps me understand why good people with the best intensions are not enough for organisations to be good as well. She unfolds techniques on how to make real changes in organisations or other groups, and consequently change the world. It is so exciting that there is more to come. I’m deeply grateful for the synchronicities in my life that brought me in touch with her to be part of that process.
I have always been a bit reluctant to the spiritual teaching – the only thing you could change is you and your point of view. Changing me and my point of view brought me a lot of insights with beneficial consequences, and there are still many more to be found. The longing to do something more remained. Dr. Helen Russ’ Lexion training is just what I have been looking for all along. She brought down the knowledge which helps me understand why good people with the best intensions are not enough for organisations to be good as well. She unfolds techniques on how to make real changes in organisations or other groups, and consequently change the world. It is so exciting that there is more to come. I’m deeply grateful for the synchronicities in my life that brought me in touch with her to be part of that process.
Once an organisation’s Lexion is recognised and aligned with the Lex, there is a resulting flow and rightness at the elexion and physical levels. Dr. Helen Russ has brought an essential slice of knowledge to working with and for organisations; knowledge that, when applied, results in a smooth and timely completion of projects.
Love to hear of your experiences with Lexion….. in trainings or for your organisation.