The Earth is alive. Earth energies are the subtle expression of the ‘life’, in the trees, streams, landforms that are all around us.
The subtle Earth energies associated with a particular place
effect what is possible in that place.
If your organisational mission is aligned with the place where you are, it is as if a gentle breeze is always lifting you and making things easier. If you are out of alignment with the land energies, you will constantly battle. It will be like walking through mud, or you will continually come up against obstacles.
It is the same for us as individuals. Some places have Earth energies that suit us, we feel happy there.
The same essence of ‘life’ that animates you and me also animates a tree, or a stream or a mountain.
Each life form has its own frequency, its own agency and a desire to achieve its greatest potential.
Earth Energy Walks
Land energy walks can occur in any natural place. They can even occur in unnatural places such as houses or community streets. The essential component is that you attune your energy to ‘feel’ the subtle energies of place within the designated area.
You use your body as the thermometer.
Allow your subtle energy to interact with the subtle energies around you.
There are a few simple techniques that with practice will reveal a whole landscape of subtle energies. By breathing into the Life in your body for example, you can end up breathing with the Earth.
By dropping your energy down below your feet you can experience energy that feels like the source of life itself. You can experience imprints from past people. You can get a sense of what has occurred in a location at some other time.
The Earth is our playground waiting for us to reveal the divinity and life at its essence.
Things to Experience
People experience visceral tangible feelings like when you meet a friend. You get a sense how they feel. Coming away from a land energy walk your subtle bodies are changed, you can feel spread, open.
You can feel like as if your energy is shared with other life forms.
Energy wells
Earth meridians
Land Beings
Multi-dimensional portals
Imprints from past inhabitants
Sacred sites
Sacred weaves
Sacred lines
Earth energy activities are best to occur where you are in the place where you are deeply connected. A good amount of time is a couple of hours initially, but I have explored my home property for years.
Walks can occur as an individual or in groups.
If you are an organization I recommend exploring the land energies where your offices or headquarters are located. You may be surprised at how much they affect what is possible for your company.
Helen’s book, Across the Creek – Land energy experiences in the home paddock. It is the earth energy story of ‘Booroola’, the property where she grew up in Central West NSW Australia.
‘Have courage and read, fall deeply into the world that Helen brings us in, Across the Creek, if you dare‘. …….Amy R USA.
Land energy walks
ZOOM workshops
Weekend workshops
If you want the real deal, Helen Russ’s new book ‘Across the Creek’ invites you to open your perception to the unseen of the world. Beautifully implemented and presented, beginners can engage for themselves, to have direct experience and understanding of land energies, consciousness, and yourself. It is also a step towards understanding the mystical consciousness of our indigenous peoples and an invitation to step towards their world view and experience, that we may all find healing and the commonality of our spiritual roots. Helen’s book is a window and training in applied consciousness. It is a powerful adjunct to meditation. Like a smorgasbord, you take what you want. The feast is a set of tools for life that if you choose to exercise, will change your view of the world forever.
Day 5
This is the first ‘live’ I caught, connecting to the core of the Earth, my body remembering “I am this”, a sense of wonder “How could I forget?” and relief “I feel home”. The simple third eye technique reminding me that “I am”. It is Inspiring to meditate, albeit briefly, with a group online, I wasn’t sure if it would work in any meaningful way. It did. Helen’s approach is inviting, she is cognizant of other traditions and respected that each person may have their own way of going inside, while at the same time gently bringing us to a state of consciousness beyond the mind.
As soon as I held your book, the sensual black cover of Across The Creek immersed me in the numinous experiences that you reveal through your story. At first the black cover and then the Aboriginal Women in conversation, emerge. It’s beautiful, subtle and yet direct. Like the content of the book.
At Booroola, while you were writing on the spirit of organisations you lived the reality of the spirit, the driving forces, the light, within the land itself and listened to the knowing of all those who are present in it. I love the way you take the reader through an awareness of the multiple layers of reality. You not only take us across the creek, you take us on a journey through streams of consciousness that lift the veils of space and time. You peal away the layers that distract you from yourself. You see and map different dimensions and deeper realms of wisdom that are shared with you… And you have found a way in your beautiful artwork to show them to us.
You have such a down to earth way of leading us through the portals to land energies and the wisdom of the knowledge keepers. We get to see how you ask profound questions and then show us the raw experiences on the way towards understanding. The things that shaped you, shaped us.
You reveal the impact of a disconnect that underpinned the early settler’s misunderstanding of the land.
At the same time you reveal the far greater light within the land and within the people who KNOW they are part of it (and have been custodians of it for aeons). The keys you have given to subtle energy mapping will help others listen, to be receptive to what is.
I feel your book is a book of healing. A way for others to turn towards the inner realms of the Self and so, to know the world.
Perhaps with the help of the Wise Women, maybe heal it.
All the best creative woman for a very profound and joyful book launch
May the WOMEN be with you
Earth & Us Month
FREE 30 x 15 min meditations
Pre-Recorded... A month of daily 15 min meditations for those wishing to connect more deeply with the Earth and life that is all around us.
Freely available on youtube.