‘You have such a down to earth way of leading us through the portals to land energies and the wisdom of the knowledge keepers. …Michele Australia

Dr. Helen Russ’ Lexion training …. brought down the knowledge which helps me understand why good people with the best intentions are not enough for organisations to be good as well.

Erika Slovinia
It is also a step towards understanding the mystical consciousness of our indigenous peoples and an invitation to step towards their world view and experience, that we may all find healing and the commonality of our spiritual roots. Helen’s book is a window and training in applied consciousness.

Peter Twigg AUS
12 October 2020
Across the Creek, Earth & Us
This blessed Earth! Together weaving our collective consciousness into her own evolving consciousness. She speaks to me through the leaves, the trees, the skies, air and waters, the winged birds, beasts, elementals and nature spirits.

Alfred Looman AUS
12 June 2021
Earth & Us, Meditation
Once an organisation’s Lexion is recognised and aligned with the Lex, there is a resulting flow and rightness at the elexion and physical levels. Dr. Helen Russ has brought an essential slice of knowledge

Geraldine McGloin Ireland
6 April 2022
Organisations, Training
In 8 sessions we were able to tune into … a restaurant, hospital, non profit organizations and a crypto currency company. Each had distinctly different flavors. We were able to feel …. where they have been falling from this purpose. … it is easy to see how with Helen’s technique an organization can be re-aligned.

Elle Kerr-Wilson USA
28 April 2022
Organisations, Training
Helen took the time to explain and illustrate the concepts, i really appreciated it as I dont have a lot experience in meditation. It enriched my spiritual learning not only on working/ tuning in with organizations but in my every day search.

Ligia Nosealy Pettit USA
5 May 2022
Meditation, Organisations, Training
I gained a new understanding around the power of the human heart and conscious will in maintaining the integrity of an organization, and a new awareness of the levels of consciousness at play within the development and maintenance of an organization, as well creative projects.

Allison Wendt Canada
29 April 2022
Organisations, Training
The reflective nature of Across The Creek is a powerful way to go inside and contemplate our inner and outer environment so we can get back to what we all possess – the ability to feel and see, the ability to sense things beyond our over-active minds.

Julie Braden AUS
18 October 2020
Across the Creek, Earth & Us
I feel so at peace and I really love the way I feel after Helen’s meditation.

Barbara Kurtman
13 June 2021
Earth & Us, Meditation
Learning about the Lexion, different organizations, and levels of consciousness has opened my awareness to another reality that is so much more profound

Yvette Benson
28 April 2022
Organisations, Training
It is not enough to say, I love Earth, isn’t she beautiful? We must love her and all her manifestations as we love our children, our mothers, our lovers, ourselves.

Tosca Zraikat
25 June 2021
Earth & Us, Meditation, Mentoring
Dr. Helen Russ’ Lexion training is just what I have been looking for all along. She brought down the knowledge which helps me understand why good people with the best intensions are not enough for organisations to be good as well.

Erika Belehar Slovinia
7 April 2022
Organisations, Training
You have such a down to earth way of leading us through the portals to land energies and the wisdom of the knowledge keepers. We get to see how you ask profound questions and then show us the raw experiences on the way towards understanding. The things that shaped you, shaped us.

Michele Goeldi Aus
28 November 2020
Across the Creek, Earth & Us
What of this world now though? How will we ever even begin to heal? Now that it has come to this, beloved children of the Earth? Will she have the power to influence us, through her will the source move us, to save us from ourselves? Or is that our destinies are now entirely in our own hands …..

Alfred Looman
18 June 2021
Earth & Us, Meditation
This is the first ‘live’ I caught, connecting to the core of the Earth, my body remembering “I am this”, a sense of wonder “How could I forget?” and relief “I feel home”.

Geraldine McGloin Ireland
14 June 2021
Earth & Us, Meditation
Have courage and read, fall deeply into the world that Helen brings us in, Across the Creek, if you dare.

Amy Rue USA
13 January 2021
Across the Creek
Her artwork depicts her actual experiences on the faded out photographic representation of the physical realm. The …. reader is brought on an intimate journey into the depths of the Australian land and given a glimpse of Aboriginal spirituality and relationship to the land.

Geraldine McGloin
9 October 2020
Across the Creek, Earth & Us, Meditation


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