Showing 12 Result(s)

Fires: It’s about love

The fires had been raging across New South Wales and Victoria for months. This was just after Christmas in 2019, when the smoke haze had reduced visibility, covered everything in a fine ash. On an evening was the sun was a ball of red through the smoke haze and life had a strange, end of the world vibe. We had been asking what (if anything) could we do.


A wave of love

Just before New Year 2020,  with smoke haze hanging in the street, ash left on the ledge of any open window and an eerie weird vibe in the air, we sat down to do a meditation practice. A moment after closing my eyes a huge wind blew up outside the window and I felt the winds tell us that the rains were coming. It wasn’t that I could smell the rains but that knowledge of the rains was coming with the winds.


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